Good Morning Wings Over Houston Communicators!
This Year’s Wings Over Houston Air Show will be held on October 19 (Special Air Show), with the Main Public Show being held on October 20-21, 2018.
We require your Ham Radio Communication Skills once again for this amazing air show. Wings Over Houston is an “Air-Show-Major”. It is one of the top 4 most prestigious air shows in the country along with: SUN ‘n FUN International Fly-In & Expo in Lakeland, Florida, the Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach in Wantagh, New York, and the Cleveland National Air Show in Cleveland, Ohio!
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please contact me as soon as you can as I begin compiling this year’s Communicator Roster. I’ll need to know all the important bits and pieces of contact information about you. Especially what days you are available. Remember, this is a HUGE 2-day event, and we’d prefer to have you for both Saturday and Sunday. The Special Air Show on Friday is a greatly trimmed version of Saturday and Sunday. We’ll need 10-15 Communicators for this event on Friday.
This year’s show again features the United States Navy, Blue Angels. You know what that means…Weather permitting, we break attendance records each year “The Blues” are here, and flying over Houston, Texas’ October Blue Skies.
Please pass this opportunity to serve our communities, and this Great American Airshow with the dates, along to your clubs, to your friends, and circles of influence.
Remember, use the and GEORGE@HOHI.NET for replies please.
Thanks to All! Please call me if you have any questions.
Office: (713) 266-6464 Cell: (832) 723-4760
Sincerely Yours,
George Levandoski
Wings Over Houston,
Staff Coordinator,
Amateur Radio Communications