Meeting started at 7:33 with the Pledge of Allegiance
The presentation that was scheduled for this month’s meeting has been postponed. The hospital has upgraded their viewing configuration, removing the projection machine and installing a large flat screen monitor. The original VGA connections are no longer available, now inputs are HDMI. The club will take steps to be sure the proper adapters are available prior to the next scheduled meeting.
The June KARS Club Meeting presentation will be a demonstration and basic instructions on the operation of the K3 equipment that will be used at the combined Field Day June 22nd and 23rd. If you are not familiar with this equipment which is very popular during contesting please attend and feel free to take notes.
I static demonstration of the new BuddiPole mast assembly was given by Jimmy Vance, which showed how the antenna had been adapted to securely fit the mast and facilitate the ease of setup and operation when the remote repeater is used.
The Smoke Alarm Blitz had been cancelled, a tentative reschedule date had been set for June 8th. This date would be in conflict with the scheduled Extreme Weather Conference to be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center on the same date. There may be some issues having enough volunteers to properly execute the Smoke Alarm Blitz.
A vote was taken to officially allow Katy Amateur Radio Society Club to participate in the upcoming Multi-Club Multi-Day Field Day activities. If the vote passed there would be a $250.00 participation fee. The motion was made to approve participation by N5KT and seconded by AE5TG. A show of hands, yay or nay indicated a majority approved of the participation.
Speculation is that, during Field Day the most promising modes of communication would tend to be CW and FT-8, given the inconsistency of the bands for voice communications. The bands to be used include 10m -15m-20m-40 m. Phone or FT-8
Group discussion concerning the Saturday morning KARS breakfast meetings. The suggestion was made to suggest several locations and, by majority vote decide which location would be the posted weekly Saturday location.
The suggestions were:
IHop (if chosen time would be shifted to 7:30, before their normal traffic picks up
Rudy’s BBQ
By show of hands vote Freddy’s was selected over the other options.
Treasury Report: $4600.07
Museum Ship Weekend is June 1st and 2nd. Checking on availability of the Battleship Texas for operation.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. There were 27 members and 1 visitor.